Welcome to Life Images by Jill

Welcome to Life Images by Jill.........Stepping into the light and bringing together the images and stories of our world. I am a photographer, writer and multi-media artist.
Focussing mainly on Western Australia and Australia, I am seeking to preserve images and memories of the beautiful world in which we live and the people in it.



Monday 27 May 2024

Riverside walk - Collie River, Western Australia

Hi everyone, I hope you and yours are doing well. We have finally had some rain, but still so dry, trees are dying, and we are hoping this rain will break this drought we are experiencing in the south west of Western Australia. Winter starts in 1 week and we are still having 26-29 degrees Celsius! Unheard of in May. 

Early in April I blogged about some walks near where we live. Here is another which takes us along the northern side of the Collie River which flows into the Leschenault Estuary and then into Koombana Bay and the Indian Ocean near Bunbury. 

The pathways along the river lay between the houses and the river. People fish, crab and boat in the river. And you will often meet people walking along the path. 

There are shaded paths through paperbarks, sheoaks and eucalypts, along boardwalks over swampy ground, open parkland and the path also skirts a golf course. We often see kangaroos on the golf course - but not when we walked there the other day. 

You will see birds - my apologies about the quality of these images as I don't have a birding lens - clockwise from top left are - mountain duck (I didn't know they nested in trees!), darter, pelican, and grey fantail. 

There are wildflowers at various times of the year. This is one of the wattles. 

My favourite part is through the paperbarks especially with the light filtering through the trees.  

And then onto where the Collie River meets the Leschenault Inlet - where the pelicans meet.  But that is another walk. 
For more walks in my area you can check out some of my previous blogs @ some walks near where we live.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Have a wonderful week. 

I am linking up to the link-ups below. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!


  1. The river and the woods are very iconic of Australian landscape

  2. Hello Jill,
    What a lovely spot for a walk. I enjoyed your birds, I especially love the Pelicans.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  3. Ces photos sont magnifiques tout comme les paysages qui les inspirent. Je vous envie de vivre sous ces latitudes. J’espère que vous aurez très vite de la pluie (kwarkito)


    1. translation - These photos are magnificent, just like the landscapes that inspire them. I envy you for living in these latitudes. I hope you will have rain very soon (kwarkito)

  4. ...Jill, thankf taking my along on this nature hike, I hope that we can do it again. Take care and be well.

  5. Gorgeous shots! Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/05/cat-trap.html

  6. Very nice pictures of your homeland. But it does not look like a beginning winter. It is a bit strange for me to talk of winter in June...as we now are going to have summer ....so my hopes :-). Thanks for your visit to my blog.
    Have a good time and all the best

  7. Wow what a place, thank you for showing me

  8. wonderful pictures
    we have rain .. more than we can need :(
    have a nice weekend

  9. Your captures are very good, better than my photos. Yes, the climate situation is critically. We see it here in Europe too. There are regions of flood and other of drought. It`s hard. We hope and pray for reason and logic of the responsibly persons!

    Another round of MosaicMonday in May... and I'm looking forward to your contribution again. More pictures this week that tell the story of your surroundings, of nature, of your everyday life. Pictures that also tell a bit of history, it`s important.

    Thank you for your participation. Have a good time, best wishes from Heidrun

  10. Hello Jill, thank you for these beautiful and interesting pictures for us on the other side of the world. These paper bark trees really look very special. I would like to send you some of our rain. We have too much of it.
    Kind regards and thank you for your link to Nature Thursday

  11. Lovely photos. After many years of drought, we had a good amount of rain this year and the year before. The trees really loved all the rain. I hope it comes to you soon too.


  12. That's a beautiful walk Jill and much of it reminds me of Florida -- the lush tropical trees, the pelicans occupying the strip of land ... but not the kangaroos on the golf course! (Sometimes alligators though.) I think we'd feel right at home on this walk though (and I wish I could actually find out sometime!) You lead great virtual walks though and that's almost as good.


I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my blog. Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. I read and very much appreciate every comment and love hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return.