Welcome to Life Images by Jill

Welcome to Life Images by Jill.........Stepping into the light and bringing together the images and stories of our world. I am a photographer, writer and multi-media artist.
Focussing mainly on Western Australia and Australia, I am seeking to preserve images and memories of the beautiful world in which we live and the people in it.



Tuesday 28 March 2023

Tree Street Art Safari 25th March 2023

Hi everyone. I hope you and yours are well. 

 I have spent the last couple of months getting ready for the Tree Street Art Safari in my home town last Saturday. This event is run by the Stirling Street Arts Centre in the "tree" street area of Bunbury. Residents host artists in their gardens. It is a fabulous event and the opportunity for people to visit artists they might not normally see.

I had lots on offer - ecoprint wool and silk scarves, totebags, greeting cards, note books & upcyled eco-printed TShirts. Photo products on prints, totes, cushion covers and greeting cards. And paper flowers!

Plus I had for sale my writers group, the South Side Quills latest anotholgy "Aspects of Childhood". You can see it on the right had side bar here....

The day dawned clear and warm and we had a very busy day welcoming over 900 people through our display. There were lots of people out and about making it a vibrant event.

Firstly I must say THANKYOU to my wonderful, obliging and generous hosts Maggie & Alec for hosting me again this year for the Tree Street Art Safari. I was truly blessed when I was paired with them several years ago. THANKYOU to everyone who visited and THANKYOU to those who purchased from me or commented on my work. I truly appreciate you all and enjoyed meeting and talking with you.

And THANKYOU to my husband without whose support i couldn't do any of this.

A lucky visitor walked away with my favourite framed photo print of spices tucked under her arm to put up in her new kitchen. 

I had lots of prints and greeting cards.

There were cushions and tote bags from my print on demand on-line Red Bubble range.

Eco printed wool and silk scarves

Including my new favourite printed with coreopsis yellow daisies from my front garden. It just loves being printed on wool and silk and even cotton. I loved this cute little top on the right hand side here, but unfortunately it didn't fit me...

And lots of other T's including these...

Eco printing greeting cards, notebooks, tote bags, and scarves.

And paper flowers

Now to get ready for the Dardanup Art Trail on the weekend of 29-30 April

Thank you so much for stopping by. And please excuse the blatant advertising. Do you have an art market you visit? Perhaps you would like to share in your comments. 

You can see my Red Bubble shop here where you can order from anywhere in the world! Life Images on Red Bubble

I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Have a wonderful week. 
I am linking up to the link-ups below. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!

Hello there! I love reading your comments. If you scroll down to the bottom you can comment too! I would love to hear from you.

Sunday 12 March 2023

Sculpture by the Bay- Dunsborough 2023- Western Australia

Last weekend we visited the Sculpture by the Bay exhibition as part of the Dunsborough Art Festival. This is an annual event which has been held in Dunsborough since 2011. 

Always very interesting to see the range of large sculptures through the park along the foreshore and along Dunn Bay Road, and the small scultpures in Christian Fletcher's Gallery. 

I was particularly drawn to those with an environmental message. 

Below top left you can see - 
- Insiduous by Heloise Roberts - Flowers made from plastic bottles attached to trees and trailing through the garden representing insiduous introduced species that are suffocating our native ecosystems. This piece seemed like it was lit by solar lights in the middle of each flower. Would have been good to see at night. 

And below that -  Cumulonimbus by Shanti Gelmi & Louise Grimshaw - using waste and products of over consumption, it reflects on the effect of climate change on our environment. But I did love the little plastic creatures. 

I enjoyed the play of light and reflections on the fish in The School by Richard Aitken - reflecting on the warming of the oceans and the delicate balance. 

I really liked The Plant Apocalypse by Year 6 students at Dunsborough Primary School and their teacher Karen Seaman -  a colaborative piece using recycled paper, cardboard, plastic, salvaged fishing rope and wood, using metallic patinas to disguise the origins of the materials and creating a skyscraper that has been overtaken by nature. 

Musical Bones by David Johansen was a piece that encouraged interaction. Made from an old piano and bits and pieces inside to create the sound. Lots of fun! 

My husband particularly liked Brian Plank's - Kite - each piece moving independantly at the whim of the wind. 

- Jillain Warnock has used her artworks printed on aluminium to create Spiral Journey of the Spirit.  
- Plastic rope has been unravelled to make the tail of Kerry Walker's Peacock  
- and recylced objects have been used to create a dog as part of Merrilyn Whisson's piece - To Fetch A Pail of Water. 

In Size Matters by Margaret Rees - a hungry seagull is sizing up his options for breakfast, knowing the future of the ocean's sustainability is on the line. The pylon base is salvaged timber from the old Busselton Jetty. 

Below here you can see - clockwise from top left - 
- Shorts too Big by Greg Banfield created from windfall jarrah tells the story of hand-me-down clothes. 
- Tempest - by Wayne Smith - Created from corten steel this piece is like a whirling dervish or dust devil in the desert outback. 
- Metamorphosis by Rod Barnes - made from metal including old car doors representing the Year 2080 where machines reaching out to assist in developing mechanical life forms to restore beauty and wonder to the world. 
- Stealth Birdhouse by Keith Lush would almost disappear in the garden follage. 

And a few of the small sculptures - clockwise from top left - 
- Best Laid Plans II by Shanti Gelmi - representing the manipulation of dreams and expectations and the delicate balance between honouring wishes versus following your own path made possible by parental scarifice. 
- Lil'Bird by David Barbour made from washed up driftwood. 
-  Don't be afraid to think outside the box by Sue Smorthwaite representing the importance to think and decide for yourself whilst still being mindful of the need for social cohesion and tolerance of other views. 
- The Money trap by Louise Grimshaw aims to provoke discussion about the assumption that more money equals more happiness and the risks associated with obtaining more at the expense of simple pleasures. 
- Our Prickly Earth by Joshua Nicholas - made from wire, nuts, and washers represents the state of our global climate which is at least, a bit prickly. 

I hope you have enjoyed this look at the Dunsborough Sculpture By the Bay. You can see more at Sculpture By The Bay. Click on Galleries, then 2023 Sculpture By the Bay Gallery to see all the entries and prize winners. 

Thank you so much for stopping by. I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Have a wonderful week. 
I am linking up to the link-ups below. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!