The joy of spring has come to my garden and the promise of summer days.

As I wander about my garden today, taking photos of the beauty I find there, I think of the preciousness of life, the joy of living, the importance of accepting every precious moment as a gift and doing the very best we can with our lives and treasuring those we love.

I am sending special thoughts to my several of my dear friends who have recently lost a loved one. I hope they will treasure and hold close to their hearts the special memories they have, and know that their loved one is till with them.
Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
and today is a gift;
that’s why they call it the present.
Eleanor Roosevelt

This selection has been presented for your enjoyment as part of Mosaic Monday. Please click on the link to visit Mosaic Monday at Little Red House and see the work of other wonderful contributors.
Mosaic Monday at Little Red House