Welcome to Life Images by Jill

Welcome to Life Images by Jill.........Stepping into the light and bringing together the images and stories of our world. I am a photographer, writer and multi-media artist.
Focussing mainly on Western Australia and Australia, I am seeking to preserve images and memories of the beautiful world in which we live and the people in it.




 Since I started playing around with food photography in 2011, it has become a passion. I have come a long way with food photography since then.

I am based in Bunbury, Western Australia.

If you are looking for a food photographer for your restaurant, web page, brochure, recipe book or magazine article - please contact me - I would love to hear from you and work with you to create the most delectable delicious looking food photos that will make your customers want to buy and eat!

If you would like to see more recent food photos please check out my food images on my Flickr food page by clicking on the link here - Food on my Flickr page
(although I am not currently maintaining my Flickr page)

Another great place to go for updates is to my INDEX for the latest food photography blog posts. Please click here -  INDEX

Here is one of my earliest food photography pieces - when I first started my journey. I've learnt a lot since then. Scroll down for some images I have done mainly for Photography group competitions. But also a couple for a recipe book I was involved in - Ferguson Valley Plated in 2015. 

2011 - 

2023 - 

2022 - 

2021 - 

2020 -  

2019 - 

2018 - 

2017 - 

2016 - 

2015 - 

2014 -

2013 -


  1. Hi Jill,
    I've a lot to learn from you! Love the light on those beets and the poppy cake quatro of shots. I am still grappling with exposure and natural light, so will scrutinise your work to pick up some tips!

  2. I have made those little Christmas pudding truffles - they are delicious

  3. Beautiful.. I really all the food pictures shared by you. Thanks for sharing.

    Food Photographer Sydney

  4. Camera settings are important for food stylists photo shoots from different angles. If you aim to take photos of foods and publish them on social media, a cellphone is enough for that. However, if you are dreaming of turning into a food photographer that earns money, you need to collect the best camera. Learn More at: https://cutoutimagemedia.com/how-to-become-a-food-photographer/


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