Welcome to Life Images by Jill

Welcome to Life Images by Jill.........Stepping into the light and bringing together the images and stories of our world. I am a photographer, writer and multi-media artist.
Focussing mainly on Western Australia and Australia, I am seeking to preserve images and memories of the beautiful world in which we live and the people in it.



Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Pink Rosea Marri tree

 Hi everyone, here we are into another new week. I hope you and yours are doing ok. 

Last week I introduced you briefly to the pink form of marri tree - Corymbia calophylla "rosea" - which was a totally new tree to me. I had seen it before, but didn't realise it was the pink form of the usually creamy marri. 

This plant is so beautiful I thought it deserved a post all of its own.  The creamy marri is very common (I've blogged about them before. The Marri Trees are flowering). It is flowering profusely at the moment. You see whole trees covered with these flowers. 

The pink form, rosea, is less common. The nuts, which you can see below here, the parrots love, are commonly called "honkey nuts". 

Formerly known as Eucalyptus calophylla, Corymbia calophylla is a large tree, not suitable for gardens, as it can grow up to 40 metres in height and occurs naturally through the south-west of Western Australia in a range of habitats. The common name Marri is a Noongar word for blood, which has been used to describe the sap that weeps from wounds in the bark.  The large urn shaped nuts on this tree are commonly referred to as honky nuts. They hold large seeds that provide a food source to native birds such as parrots and cockatoos. WA Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority

I love the way the pods pop open to release the flowers as you can see above and below here. 

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you and yours are safe and well. 

I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Stay safe and whatever you are doing, enjoy your week. 

I am linking up to the link-ups below. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!

You might also like: The Marri trees are flowering

More information: Flora Base and Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, WA

Thank you to The Wildflower Society of Western Australia on Facebook for helping me with identification. They are a fabulous resource. 

All Seasons
MosaicMonday at Letting Go of the Bay Leaf

Sharon's Sovenirs 

Garden Affair

Our World Tuesday

Pictorial Tuesday 
ThroughMy Lens 
My corner of the world through my camera 
Wednesday Around the World at Communal Global hosted by Randomosity. 
       and Little bird - Pienilintu
Thankful Thursday 
The Lovin' Life Team over at: Deep Fried Fruit
 Month end link up @ Live love craft me

Hello there! I love reading your comments. If you scroll down to the bottom you can comment too! I would love to hear from you.


  1. That's beautiful, and vaguely reminiscent of mimosa, which we get here.
    Thanks for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/03/springtime.html

  2. They are so frilly and pretty! Perfect for my sunny day! Enjoy yours too!

  3. Love to see how these buds came out! Yeah, I thought they looked familiar, but true, they deserve a post all by its own! Many thanks for showing them at All Seasons! Have a creative week, Jesh

  4. The flowers remind me of the bottlebrush plant, which has red flowers. It's native to Australia, maybe the marri tree and the bottlebrush are related.

    1. ah no, no relation, the marri is a eucalypt and totally different. https://www.gardenia.net/plant/callistemon-linearis

  5. Really beautiful flowers and photos!

  6. Jill, Beautiful shade of pink and very unusual blossom. Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  7. So lovely! Such an interesting one.

  8. Those are just lovely! What a beautiful pink flower.

  9. Interesting buds and so unusual and pretty flowers.

  10. Jill - yes, this tree deserves a post all its own!!! I agree that the way the buds slowly reveal the flower is mesmerizing. It looks like a pink parasol before it is opened! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  11. So gorgeous! I need to check my Australian photos and see if I found any.

  12. Garden affairs...

    Springtime begins and we are outside in the nature.

    ...have a wonderful week.

  13. So beautiful! We are looking forward to spring here!

  14. Just gorgeous! I cannot wait until we have something blooming here. Thanks for linking up.

  15. Wow, I have to repeat myself here--you have the most delightful flowers over there!!

    Your link is a welcome addition to My Corner of the World' this week!

  16. Beautiful flowers, Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.

  17. I just happened upon your page. I love your work! I’ve been admiring a Corymbia rosea today - your images are spectacular!


I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my blog. Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. I read and very much appreciate every comment and love hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return.