Welcome to Life Images by Jill

Welcome to Life Images by Jill.........Stepping into the light and bringing together the images and stories of our world. I am a photographer, writer and multi-media artist.
Focussing mainly on Western Australia and Australia, I am seeking to preserve images and memories of the beautiful world in which we live and the people in it.



Sunday 6 November 2016

Trying to catch time

I don't know about you but time seems to be flying by in a blur for me. You would think that now I am retired I would have more time to spend time relaxing, but alas, it doesn't seem to be so. I heard so many people say before I retired - "you won't know how you had time to work". And they are correct! 

So as my time seems to have evaporated before me, this week I only have a short post to share with you. A little of my week.

Making French Marmalade. Made from carrots and lemons and sugar, it is my husband's favourite and simple to make. It is not as bitter as some marmalades. Here is the recipe from The Country Women's Association Cookery Book and Household Hints:

3 large carrots -  I've always thought this an odd amount - how much is 3 large carrots?
2 1/2 kg (5 lb) white sugar
4 lemons
8 cups water

Grate the carrots. Slice the lemons into quarters, dig out the seeds, and put through the mincer including the peel. Leave all in a basin overnight with half the water. In the morning add the rest of the water and boil for half an hour, then add the sugar and cook for 2 1/2 hours. Bottle immediately in hot jars.
This marmalade still seems very liquid when it starts to set, so please test as you go so as not to overcook.

Upcycling Christmas cards. I decided instead of buying new cards this year I would upcycle old ones. I bought a box of 50 blank cards from the craft shop, dug out my box of old cards, and here is my result! 

I've also started on a new project I saw on the web. My friend who runs a gallery would like some to sell at her Christmas bazaar at the end of November. I've made the cones from pages of old Readers Digest condensed books. I just need to put them together. When it's done I'll show you the finished project. Watch this space. 

 Da da! Wreaths. I was going to make you wait to see the finished product, but wanted to share. I finished these two this morning and have more to make. I just have to get the paper cut and the cones made. The rest is easy. Do you like them? If you are interested I could come back with a tutorial another day. 

These can be hung as Christmas wreaths on your door, or decoration on your wall. The first one was done with pages from an old Reader's digest book - I love the feel of the paper and the slightly yellowed look, and the second one is from the pages of a magazine.  

My flamenco class is preparing for a performance next Saturday night. But on Thursday our founder gifted us this beautiful bata de cola skirt. Isn't it gorgeous. We are all looking forward to seeing our teacher Nicole, seen here modelling the skirt, perform in it. 

I also make time to volunteer in our local school library once a week, have started going to an exercise class (got to get these old muscles stretching), and try to walk every morning (although that doesn't always happen). 

We have booked a short trip for early next year and this afternoon we are going to a Senior's expo! Gulp - yes I must be a senior..... oh no! not yet! 
ps - after going to the Senior's expo I am sure I am not in that demographic just yet - I'm not looking for a retirement village, a chair that will stand me up, or a walking frame. However we did catch up with some people we know and chatted to a couple of stall holders. 

Time for a relax I think and enjoy the summer that has suddenly hit us this weekend.

Thank you so much for stopping by. What is your week shaping up to look like? 

The candlestick banksias are starting to bloom
 I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Have a wonderful week.

I am linking up to the link-ups below. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!


Mosaic Monday 
Life Thru the Lens 

Lifestyle Fifty Monday Linkup 
Our World Tuesday

Through My Lens 
Wednesday Around the World at Communal Global
Worth Casing Wednesday
Travel Photo Thursday

The Weekly Postcard


  1. I love love the flamenco skirt, I'm very interesting in seeing what you do with your project the printed cones. You have also posted a photo of my favourite white chairs, though I do wonder at the comfort of them.

  2. Looks like corn stuck on that tree! LOL

  3. Loving the cones, and the Christmas cards. You are so talented. Marmalade too! How do you fit it all in, Jill. You're amazing :)

  4. You have been a busy lady. I know exactly what you mean by time racing by and not getting everything you want to get done. I have so many projects on the go at once that sometimes I feel like my head is in a spin! Recycling old Christmas cards is such a great idea. Last year I didn't even bother sending any because of lack of interest and time. Maybe I should this year!

  5. How productive! We'd love to know where you got the box of 50 blank cards. They can be quite hard to find. Totally love the wreaths. Well done!

    1. I bought the cards, with envelopes, in Spotlight. They weren't overly expensive. About $12 I think.

  6. What a great idea with the cards! Have a great day!

  7. Yes, the year is speeding by, or I think so anyway! What a great use of old Christmas cards. I need to make mine for this year yet, hmmm what to do. I thought you might be making stars of Christmas trees with the cones. I like the wreaths. I've seen them hanging at the library here but the cones were laying flat to form a circle and decorated. Summer has suddenly hit here too and I'm not sure I like it, especially knowing it will only get yuckier with our wet season build and cyclone season to come. Enjoy being busy and the lead up to the end of the year!

  8. What a fab post, full of interesting things. Love your recycled cards, a great idea, and the cones. Carrot marmalade, amazing! I hope that you'll be able to share it with us next time on Mosaic Monday.
    bon weekend!

  9. Even though you don't have time, it looks as if retirement is treating you well filling up your time with things you love.

    I am going to have to come back to your recipe. It looks yummy.

    Lisa @ LTTL

  10. I'm beginning to think about retirement - actually it looks like a lot of empty time, except that everyone I know who has retired has said, "I'm so busy I don't know how I ever had time to work!"

    Thanks for joining the party at image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/11/a-dream-of-lifetime.html

  11. Lovely to read your post today, visiting from Mosaic Monday. I am retired and each day is so full and busy, I am loving self-choice of when I do something, what I do and what I don't do.

  12. Morning, lovely to have your company for Mosaic Monday today, have a great week.

  13. Fun post! I've found I'm much busier now that I'm retired. Busy is good! The French marmalade sounds and looks delicious. I love how you've recycled Christmas cards. Great idea. The cone wreaths are different and another wonderful recycle. Flamenco -- good for you! Have a wonderful week and Happy Monday!

  14. It's true what they say, time goes faster as we get older. (I think we're just busier with things we enjoy so it seems to fly by...) Marmalade with carrot.. sounds interesting, I'm sure it's delicious. I have seen these cone wreaths- what a lovely way to use old Readers Digest condensed books that no one seems to want anymore. Flamenco dancing must be great exercise! Good for you! Happy Mosaic Monday!

  15. Such a fun post! I always think I wish I had 30 hours a day!!
    Happy time to you!

  16. The days are just flying by here, too. You've got a great beginning on Christmas with the cards, the marmalade and the cone wreaths. That flamenco skirt is fantastic!

  17. I wish that I had your energy and creativity Jill. The wreath deco ideas are wonderful and I think even the grands could enjoy their hand at such, or at least something similar ;) Your Marmalade looks delicious. I love that dress and look forward to seeing your group dancing with them on in future shares...and exercise. I started going to the club to exercise and I am failing quickly, have to have more surgery soon and gearing up for that. I always enjoy stopping by. See you later. Hugs~

  18. Your post was full of so much joy .. so many fun and creative activities..... that senior expo was obviously for the old old , not the newly minted seniors ))). I've been a qualified " senior" for over a decade and I don't need any of that stuff yet. (Guess I'm Somewhere between flamenco skirt and walker). I'd never heard of carrot marmalade before, but now I am hungry for it! .


I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my blog. Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. I read and very much appreciate every comment and love hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return.