In the background of the third pic you can see a modern highrise. Old and new blending together....
and a cappuccino

and pear and blue cheese tart..........

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with time for cappuccino with good company.
There are some new varieties of pears principally come from crosses between Corella, Guyot, Rogue Red and Butirra Precoce Morettini.
You should try them if you see them in your market.
This has been my contribution this week to Mosaic Monday at Little Red House. To see the beautiful work of Mary and other contributors please click on the link here -
Thank you for looking. I look forward to hearing from you.
I have had a day off work today, and so have been playing around with some food photography. Here are some of the results all taken in natural light - the only additional light being from a silver reflector to throw some additional light into the picture.
I have been trying to learn as much as I can about food photography and have been inspired by the work of several food photographers and their web sites.
Here are Cardamon pods in an old food scoop given to me by my mother-in-law
Eggs in an old serviette embroidered by me when I was a young girl - note the cross stitch!
I like the morning glow on the eggs.
Snow peas in two old enamel mugs - the green one at the front is an old mug that my mother always used to put gravy in and kept hot on the wood stove while the roast was being sliced. Or to keep a left-over in the fridge.
Star anise - these sure did smell devine when I was photographing them!
Thanks for looking everyone. If you would like to comment I would love to hear from you and would really appreciate your feedback. Thank you.