
Monday 13 December 2021

Manea Reserve - Down in the Western Australian bush this week

We have been sweltering here the last couple of weeks in Western Australia as we are hit by the summer sun. I have been waiting for a cooler cloudy day to go out to Manea Reserve to see if the summer flowering slipper orchids have opened. Saturday morning was my first opportunity - and I wasn't disappointed. I have always said there is always something flowering in the Australian bush. And this is true for summer.  

We were greeted at the gate with a heavily laden Jarrah tree - Eucalyptus marginata - much prized for it's wood for fine furniture making. 

My goodness there is a lot of yellow in this collage. 

Clockwise below from top left you can see the last of the Orange stars - Hibbertia stellaris. The Holly-leaved banksia - Banksia ilicifolia. Spearwood - Kunzea glabrescens. And bottom left Yellow starflower - Calytrix-angulata

Below here - top row the Western Australian Christmas TreeNuytsia floribunda and below that the Candlestick banksiaBanksia-attenuata - both of which I have blogged about before. Please click on the orange links to read more. They are so glorious this time of year. Interesting the Christmas trees were only just starting to flower in Manea, whereas I have seen them in full flower in other areas nearby. 

One little bottle brush was trying to put on a good red Christmas show, there were a few purple Fringe Lily T. multiflorus, and the last of the bushy boronia -Boronia fastigiata - were pretty in pink (though I don't have a definite identification of this one)

Below here is on the top row - Spider smokebush -  Conospermum teretifolium and below that Drumsticks, also known as pineapple bush - Dasypogon bromeliifolius. You can probably see why they are called drumsticks

Look at the height of these grass trees spikes! - Xanthorrhoea brunonis. My husband kindly posed so you can get an idea of the height.  There are around 28 species of grass tree endemic to Australia. The one you see below does not have a trunk like the Xanthorrhoea preissii, also known by the Noongar name balga.
Here is some information I found on the net: Bush Heritage Australia - Grass Trees and on ABC - Gardening Australia

But wait - there is more yellow!
 This is the native broom - also known as swishbush - Viminaria juncea. A large drooping bush 3-5 metres high that likes slightly swampy ground. 

And finally I come to the Slipper orchid - Cryptostylis ovata - the only Western Australian wild orchid that has leaves all year round. I've blogged about them before here - Summer colour in the south west Western Australia
All the spring orchids have finished in Manea Reserve, and I was so happy not to have missed the summer flowering slipper orchid. 

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Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you have enjoyed this wander through Manea Reserve with me. Have you a reserve you like to visit for wildflowers. Perhaps you would like to tell us about it in your comments. 

I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Have a wonderful week. 
I am linking up to the link-ups below. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!
MosaicMonday at Letting Go of the Bay Leaf
Sharon's Sovenirs 
Our World Tuesday
Pictorial Tuesday 
ThroughMy Lens 
My corner of the world through my camera 
Wednesday Around the World at Communal Global hosted by Randomosity. 
       and Little bird - Pienilintu
Thankful Thursday 
Welcome to Nature Thursday
The Lovin' Life Team over at: Deep Fried Fruit

Hello there! I love reading your comments. If you scroll down to the bottom you can comment too! I would love to hear from you.


  1. Those grass tree spikes are crazy! WOW! And I love all the pretty yellow flowers...yellow is so cheerful! Enjoy your week. Happy holidays!

  2. Yellow is my favourite flower colour. If someone buys me flowers (rare indeed) I love to get yellow daisies. - Margy

  3. Jill - you swelter and we shiver! Snow falling as I type this, but I am thrilled about it! You know how much I enjoy your flower posts, and this is no exception. I love the spider smokebush, and of course, the orchids. Thanks for including the picture of your hubby, and not just for perspective! Thanks for linking so regularly to Mosaic Monday throughout 2021 - I am honored!

  4. Hard for me to think of you having different weather and seasons! Love how different your plants are!

  5. The flowers are beautiful and especially the slipper orchids. They bring back great memories of out WA trip a few years ago. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas.

    1. such a strange world we live in right now. We hope to get back to SA sometime, and I hope you can visit WA again! Safe travels and have a lovely Christmas.

  6. The flora & Fauna "down under" look so exotic and unusual to my eyes! I would love to have years to spend in your country.
    Thanks for sharing at

  7. Summer colour is an understatement. Wow! Just so much to see and enjoy. Those grass tree spikes are amazing.

  8. What beautiful blooms! All of your photos look so exotic compared to the plants we have here in New England.


  10. Wow! What lovely colors and shapes you have got at this time!

  11. It's a delight to watch these blooms. Great post!


I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my blog. Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. I read and very much appreciate every comment and love hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return.