
Sunday 5 July 2020

Catching up with my photo a day project - 8 June to 5 July

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing ok during these stressful times. I didn't imagine when I started my Covid Photo-a-Day project back in March that at the end of June I would still be going with it. It is hard to believe it has already been about 3 and a half months since the fear of this virus raised it's head here in Australia. Who would have believed it back at Christmas?

Actually I thought a couple of weeks ago that Covid was under control at least in Australia as our numbers have been so low, however this last week has seen a huge spike in numbers in one of our eastern states, Victoria. Thank goodness the Premier of our state, Western Australia, is staying firm about keeping our borders closed between our state and the rest of Australia as well as international other than for transport of produce or family reasons - ie health. 
Anyone coming into Western Australia has to quarantine for 2 weeks. However they have found recently in Victoria that you may test positive after this 2 weeks. 
On the news tonight they said there had been 6 new cases in Western Australia today, all people returning from overseas, and all in quarantine. We haven't had any community spread in Western Australia, but the virus is still coming in. 
 It is such worrying times. 

Surely there is some light on the horizon. 

So I am continuing my photo a day project and trying as much as possible to stay positive and stay away from shops and crowds. But to get out for exercise and to enjoy exploring our local walks and seeing the wildflowers starting to flower.  We have had some beautiful weather in between the winter rain storms.And if this virus has taught us anything it should be the preciousness of family and all that is beautiful around us which we should treasure. And take time to savour the moments, however simple, in our lives.

8 June to 14 June 2020

12 June - sign of the times in one of our cafes

 14 June - this is a gorgeous native grevillea along one our local walks

10 June -  and a tiny native shell orchid - one of the Pterostylis

15 June to 21 June
15 June - botanical eco-print of autumn leaves on paper

17 June - it is winter here so this seems appropriate - who has seen the wind? -
 "The Wind" by Christina Rossetti - I remember this poem from my childhood - 

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you.
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

18 June - native Pincushion Hakea
- Hakea laurina- along one of our local walks 

19 June -  the black cockatoos were feasting on the dry cones of the Candlestick Banksia in Manea Conservation Park. I didn't have my long lens - so I can't decide if this is the Carnaby's or the Baudin's cockatoo - Baudin's has a longer top beak - I can't tell from this photo and I couldn't get a better pic.

20 June - tiny fungi on a log at my son's bush block

21 June - I love the light on this dry native fern

 22 - 28 June 2020

24 June - long overdue cleaning out my filing cabinets. I found these old job offers - the first going back to 1972 when I left school and my first job in the library at the WA Institute of Technology in Bentley, Perth - now Curtin University. You can see a letter head with Shark Bay written on it - well I didn't end up working in Shark Bay because my husband had his teaching posting changed to the south west of the state at the last minute. How different our life would have been. A bit of a "sliding doors" moment.

25 June - Cockies Tongues - Templetonia retusa- along one our local walks - a glorious splash of red.

27 June - experimenting platting and weaving with Guildford Grass. Inspired by
Margaret Ridley who wove with Guildford Grass in Western Australia during the 1930s.

29 June to 5 July

30 June - playing with camera blur in my garden

1 July - easy family favourite when you have been out all day - curried sausages. We've been making this recipe for over 40 years. 

 2 July - native flowering hovea creeper

3 July - We went out to the Crooked Brook Forest for a picnic. I love this mosaic looking bark on a eucalypt tree along one of the walks

4 July - along the Leschenault Inlet in town looking over to the Port 

5 July - walking along a boardwalk along the Collie River at Clifton Park - I only had my phone - silly me - but I played with post processing after we got home

Thank you so much for stopping by. I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Stay safe, have a wonderful week.  
And keep smiling and dancing - like my Spanish flamenco dance group friends who will have fun and dance anywhere, even in the kitchen.

I am linking up to the link-ups below. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!

Hello there! I love reading your comments. If you scroll down to the bottom you can comment too! I would love to hear from you.


  1. I always enjoy your photographs. I would love to learn how you make your eco-botanical prints on paper. Love the eucalyptus tree bark. Cool color and texture. Lovely hovea!

  2. Jill - it is a worrying time, especially when the medical information keeps changing. I don't think we know everything we need to about this virus, which adds to the reasons to be cautious. In Montana, they are tracking how many non-residents are sick, so that we have an idea how many "tourists" are adding to the "problem." So far, it is a small number.

    The orchid is spectacular. Just yesterday, I photographed a new-to-me orchid here in Montana. Watch for a future post! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday with so many special photos!

  3. Thanks Jill for some lovely walks with you. I like your eco print on paper, something I have been trying to master over the last few weeks, but only with the occasional success but fun trying. We were hoping to take our van over to WA this year but unfortunately I think we will wait now till 2021 when hopefully things will be better for travelling as well as having a vaccine. I love the WA wildflowers and we enjoyed our last trip there in 2017 so it is something to look forward to. Thanks again for sharing.

  4. Hello Jill, it is a god idea to keep the borders closed. I do think we all want these Covid times to be over. Your photos are just amazing, I love them all. Take care and stay safe. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!!

  5. Some sunny spells of photography... thank you for sharing. The crisis seems forgotten, when I have my camera in the hand, too.

    Stay healthy and well.
    Happy MosaicMonday

  6. We've had quite an increase in cases here in's worrisome for sure. Love your post and catching up with you today. Lots of pretty photos to share! Thanks! Stay safe and healthy!

  7. The flowers look like they could be desserts. The shell orchid has me thinking of chocolate parfait.
    We were doing so well, keeping the cases down. Poof! It became more important for many people to have their hair cut, their fingernails buffed, and all the other things they considered essential. I try not to judge, but I do. :-)

  8. Jill, Great photos this week. Love the weaving and plaiting of grasses. Beautiful flower as always. Be well and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  9. Wow, this week it seems a spike in the worry about the covid again.Love all your nature captures, Jill! When the moving process is over, and am getting settled in my new place, I definitely would like to get the process down, knowing what liquid you process it with, etc. When it comes that far, I'll ask you. Have an upbeat week and many thanks for your post for All Seasons, Jesh

  10. Love all the photos, some of the flowers are very unusual but lovely. You must feel a sense of accomplishment and pride looking over all the old job offer letters. Our lives have many different paths, some are better than others but I believe we end up where we belong.
    Happy Mosaic Monday
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  11. What fabulous photos. Well done with your daily captures.

  12. Such lovely flowers. That water is so peaceful, too!

  13. A fabulous week in photos! I find the flowers in your country so exotic and gorgeous!!

    It's great to see you at 'My Corner of the World this week! Thanks for linking up with us.

  14. beautiful "a tiny native shell orchid."....

  15. What a great idea of a photo a day. Would help to keep minds happier during these sad virus ridden days. It's been going on way too long for me.

  16. The pincushion is very aptly named!
    Thank you for sharing at


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