
Monday 23 March 2020

Spending quiet time away from the crowds

Hi everyone, and here we are in the fourth week of March and it is a very different world to what we had at the beginning of the year when many of us had plans for the year ahead. Every day the situation changes and it is affecting us all. How are you all fairing in the face of the Corona Virus? I hope you and your families are staying well and finding ways of getting through the months ahead. This thing is not going to go away quickly. And the world needs to pull together to get through this.

Australia has been slow to start, but numbers of infections are increasing daily. Australia has shut all it's external borders and it's internal borders - ie between states - for instance Western Australia where I live has closed borders with South Australia and Northern Territory, other than essential services and trucking supplies - Western Australia is a very isolated state - with only three road accesses. These are now closed.    

 But this post is not about the Corona Virus, we have enough of that on the news every day, every hour, every half hour. I know we have to keep up with what is happening but it causes stress and anxiety too.  Mental health in the face of social distancing is so important right now for ourselves and our families.  Especially when our social activities are being cancelled - sporting events, gatherings, entertainment, cafes, club meetings etc etc - the list goes on.
So what can we do? Here are a few ideas - I am sure you will have many others if you would like to add to my list.

draw a picture... dig in the garden... put all your photos in a photo album... knit something... hand make a pile of Christmas cards... press flowers... ring up all your long lost friends and family.... finish those projects you never finished...sort out the photos from your last trip...print them in a book....learn how to play an instrument or practise if you already play.....go bush walking or walk along the beach... sit in the garden or under a tree....escape in a book....turn the music up loud and dance....or with fun new projects... finish that on-line course you never finished.... take it as a good opportunity to stop and take a breather....stay connected with the phone or social media groups....write letters.....write your memoirs....

As my son said to his boys.... it makes us stop and think about how lucky we are to have all the things we have and perhaps be more grateful for the small things. Even more so when we come out the other side of all of this.

I know the negativity and bad news is affecting me and my level of anxiety, so over the weekend I decided to start a photography project - one photo a day, for the duration of the Corona Virus. I went back through my photos and started last Monday 16 March, and here they are so far....

Monday - 16 March 2020 - Roses

Tuesday - 17 March 2020 - empty supermarket shelves

Wednesday - 18 March 2020 - laying out the leaves for eco-printing

Thursday - 19 March 2020 - a sunset with roof tops and power lines is still a beautiful sunset

Friday - 20 March 2020 - The Green Depot - supporting small local businesses whiles we still can

Saturday - 21 March 2020 - my patio sanctuary garden

Sunday - 22 March 2020 - quinces growing in my garden - the netting is to keep the parrots off!
Thank you so much for stopping by. How are you fairing in these troubled uncertain times? What have you been doing to stay connected and active? Perhaps you would like to tell us about it in your comments.  Take care everyone.

I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Have a wonderful week. 

I am linking up to the link-ups below. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!

Hello there! I love reading your comments. If you scroll down to the bottom you can comment too! I would love to hear from you.


  1. Hi Jill
    Thank you for your kind comments on my post. I have to admit this pandemic had gotten me down in spirit, but I know almost everyone is trying hard to do right thing and keep the amount of transmission low. We all have to sacrifice what is normal until this all passes. Stay well!

  2. Hello, I think most people are following the rules, keeping a social distance. It is a good idea to call your family and friends, keep in touch virtually. I enjoyed your photos, the sunset is lovely. You have a beautiful garden. Take care and be well. Wishing you a happy new week!

  3. I love your ideas for things to do and I like your one photo a day too! I'm trying to work on photos we've taken lately that need to be edited. We can still get out and hike....the trails are just about empty. I really wish MORE people would get out in the forest and walk. It makes you feel SO much better! Beats that old stress to death! Thanks for letting us know how you are. Here in Florida, things are mostly closed and lots of people are staying home. But a lot of us are retired so it's not so different in that regard. I'm praying for everyone....around the world. Take care and stay healthy my friend!

    1. I am wishing I could get out right now, but I am in self isolation anyway as I had an Op on my ankle this week and can't put my foot down and have to keep it raised at 45 degrees! So good though to keep connected through our social on-line connections.

  4. Your patio is amazing and I could easily "social distance" myself there. Our weather was nice over the weekend and I was able to sit outside a bit.
    Stay home and safe.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  5. Jill - a few things to add to your superb list of ideas - go on and research your family; Cook a meal/new recipe as a family; birdwatching - especially in the Northern Hemisphere, new birds are arriving every day; spring/autumn cleaning. For the most part, we are coping well. There are moments that are overwhelming, but I try to focus on how blessed we are. I wouldn't wish this on our world, but maybe it is an ideal opportunity to re-calibrate about what's important. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and stay well!

    1. ah yes, we started researching and doing our family tree. My might give my husband a nudge to go back to it. Thanks!

  6. Yes the world has been turned on its head, but we all must go on and do the best we can under difficult circumstances. We returned from Bali to be put into self-isolation so apart from a beach walk early in the morning we haven't been out of our house. We're now into week two and getting used to the idea of it. It's difficult not having physical contact with family and friends but there is Skype and FaceTime that we're utilising well. I've got plenty of projects on the go so I'm happy to be at home. We need to keep a positive mindset and keep ourselves busy. We'll get through this!

    1. I must find out about this "Face Time"..I am presuming it is an app? Stay well Kathy and keep social connected through our online connections - so important in these troubled times.

  7. I like the idea of a photo a day and yours are really interesting. I hope you and your family are managing as well as you can with all the projects you have in mind.
    You will need to have a nanna nap now and again! Take care.

  8. What lovely shots! It's important to take care of our mental well-being in these extreme and worrying times.

  9. That dry leaves made me stop and thoughtful Have a nice day.

  10. Great post. I can tell that you are fairing as well or better than most people.
    Here in the US most people I know are isolating themselves despite a President who doesn't appear to be taking the crisis very seriously and a governor whose heart is not in it.
    So I am working, but I am retiring in a month and things have slowed down considerably at work but I have a lot of paperwork to take care of and am handling my ill brother's affairs so I have plenty to do.

    1. you have a lot to content with also handling your brothers affairs. Take care of you in all of this, and happy retirement!

  11. I love your jungle of a sanctuary garden. That's the feel I'm going for throughout the yard. Simply overrun it with plants and more plants that can live throughout the year. It kinda looks like that in the summer when all the trees are in leaf.
    Taking a photo every day is a great idea. What better reminder that we are alive and living despite the dark clouds. Which power-ranger Sun eventually breaks through. Ta da! :-) Take care, Jill.

  12. Am enviously viewing your garden = beautiful! We here are still in snow country. Smiled when looking at the list what you could do - you have a lot of possibilities - so I don't have to worry you will ever get bored! It makes me think that most bloggers live this way - they have many interests:) Which is good for mental health! Since I was a psychologist, I have built up skills not to let things bother me too much (any phone call could be a suicide attempt!. Also it helps that on the country side here they take any governmental craziness they take with a grain of salt, and go one with their normal life (boy, am I glad I am not in the Netherlands now, where social control is very strong). I see this time as an " unexpected pause" and chance to get to some bucket list things:) May thanks for keeping All Seasons up to date on your life and have a lovely week, Jill!

    1. Tough times for everyone, especially those in the front lines ie in our hospitals and care agencies.

  13. Thank you for sharing at I hope you are remaining healthy!

  14. Your images are so lovely--except for the empty store shelves :(. I do believe the majority of people understand and comply with the rules, but, there are always the few who won't.

    I'm so happy you are a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  15. Your patio is awesome, beautiful pictures!

  16. Your photos are beautiful, and so is this post.

  17. That's interesting about closing the border between states. I haven't heard of that being considered in the US, but it makes sense. Looks like you are finding healthy and productive ways to stay busy in your home!

  18. Tbh we're faring ok. I work remotely anyway so am used to not getting out of the house during the week other than for my daily walks. I feel for those who are at home because their jobs have gone. It's a weird new normal. #teamlovinlife

  19. That beautiful arrangement of gum leaves ... I need that but as a wall hanging. Maybe made in some sort of metal. Any tips?


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