
Monday 25 February 2019

Blogging break this week

Hi dear friends and followers, I am giving blogging a break this week as I have come down with a dreadful summer cold. It has been through our whole family, some worse than others. Evidently, according to the newspapers, it has been a bad summer for colds and flues.

I hope to be back soon. Until then, take care where-ever you are and whatever you are doing.  And I am sharing a little something I borrowed from the net that says it all really. 
I love dressing with colour, and wish I was brave enough to dress like this!  Are you?


  1. Take care and get well soon. Colds are bad any time but especially in summer! xxx J.

  2. Rest and recover. No worries!

  3. Jill - hope you're better soon!

  4. thanks ladies, I appreciate you stopping by! xx

  5. You poor thing. Feel better soon.


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