
Monday 3 September 2018

Gather around the campfire

 Campfire's burning, campfire's burning,
 Draw nearer, draw nearer
In the glowing, in the glowing,
We'll sing and be happy. 

Girl Guide camp song sung in rounds

"A campfire is a magic thing and of pivotal importance in stock-camps. It was everything to us. Our hot water, our stove, our warmth and our comfort. In the dark solitude of the night, or the chill colourless dawn, the campfire was like a friend to us. It was the focal point of our living space, pulling everyone to it. In the evening we ringers would gravitate from the shadows to within the fire's glow. There, perched on an upturned drum, or squatting on one heel with a pannikin of tea resting on our leg, we would absent-mindedly gaze at the embers, and ponder on the day just over. In our constantly tired state it was easy to become mesmerized by the gently flickering flames, playing around the edges of a piece of coolibah or woollybutt. More relaxing even than watching wavelets lapping on a shoreline, the campfire's soporific effect soon saw us heading sleepily to our sways. We never sat up late in the stock-camp."

From "They Even Paid Me", the memoirs of John Wells, Kimberley stockman, compiled by Janet Wells 2015, page 89

Even though I've never been in a stock-camp, the words above written by Kimberley stockman, John Wells, embodies how I feel about campfires. They are one the the things I love most about camping out in the bush. After dinner we all gravitate in our camp-chairs to the small circle of light surrounding the campfire and sit talking, and looking up at the sky ablaze with stars. And of course marshmallows and a mug of port or hot chocolate goes down well too.
The moon comes up through the trees as we settle around the campfire

We've had some beautiful camps over the years, and now that the spring wildflower season has arrived I am itching to get out in the bush with my camera.
And honestly the sunrises and sunsets are much more vivid when you are out camping.

 Thank you so much for stopping by.  Do you go camping? What do you like about camping? Perhaps you might like to tell us about it in your comments. I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Have a wonderful week.  

You might also like:
Dehydrating food for camping 
On the road in the Kimberley, Western Australia 
Camping in the Western Australian wheatbelt 

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  1. I've never been camping, RV'ing yes but I know that's not the same despite the wonderful memories I have of evenings around a firepit. The sunrise and sunset shots are stunning, I can almost feel how much you are loving being out in the bush now that Spring is just around the corner for you.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

    1. LIfe Images by Jill4 September 2018 at 20:22

      I had an interesting discussion about "camping" with my daughter-in-law. She insists you have to be in a tent or under vanvas. We've done that, and then a camper-trailer, but now a caravan. I call it camping if we are in our caravan bush-camping, but caravaning if we are in a caravan park. I prefer bush camping. :)

  2. I haven't gone camping in many years. Last night though Husband and I gathered around a pit fire with our friends at their ranch. Even roasted hot dogs and marshmallows on sticks. It was wonderful....Your wildflowers are so exotic.

  3. My husband and I always loved back packing and camping! Just being out in nature is so wonderful! Now that we are older we take day hikes. It's great fun for us and we get to end the day with a shower and our own bed! heehee! But I miss it sometimes too! Wonderful post!

    1. LIfe Images by Jill4 September 2018 at 20:23

      I would love to do more bush back-packing and camping but I don't think my back would hold out these days.

  4. I remember singing that round as a young girl. Reading it brought back memories.

    We still go camping - in a tent! I enjoy listening to the sounds of the forest all around me in the night, and the darkness that is not disturbed by light pollution from cities or street lights. I love sitting around a fire, talking and poking at the logs with a long stick. When it rains a little, there's nothing lovelier than the sound of rain on the tent roof. And I love seeing my grandchildren interacting with nature and enjoying playing with natural elements they find. Camping is wonderful!

    1. LIfe Images by Jill4 September 2018 at 20:19

      oh yes to all of that!

  5. I'm not a massive camper these days, but the longer I live in the big smoke the more I yearn for it!
    Wren x

  6. Gorgeous photo captures. We're going into Autumn and I'm excited about having campfires in our patio fire pit on those chilly evenings. There is something mesmerizing about watching campfire flames. I've tent and cabin camped in my younger lifetime as a youth group leader and never tire of being around a campfire at the end of the day. The colors in your sunset photo are stunning.

  7. A lovely Tuesday pictorial

    much love...

  8. Hello, I used to love camping and campfires. The spring wildflowers are lovely. Gorgeous sunrise/sunset captures. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  9. You are a real outdoor person! I love modest hiking / walking but don't do camping. Those memories date back to childhood. I can feel just how cozy and comfortable you all feel at the campfire <3 Lovely photos & text, I enjoyed.

  10. We have been on a campfire ban since early July. Still people start fires and they get away in the tinder dry forest. We have another fire burning to the north of us out of control and the air here is very smoky once again. - Margy

  11. Jill, It has been 30 years since I was camping but I do love hotdogs on the fire. I try to get one sitting a year. My sister has a portable metal fire pit so I brought food and her husband made the fire. Enjoy spring and summer. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

  12. I love camping, and I think it is because it puts you so much closer to nature. In our case, we always use a tent, so there is only that fabric between you and, well, everything. I would say campfires are one of the best parts of camping, but here in Montana, we are often under fire restrictions at the same time of year that we are likely to go camping - boo hoo!

    1. LIfe Images by Jill7 September 2018 at 20:11

      lol sometimes a nylon tent doesn't seem to be enough between me and the night creatures!

  13. Lovely captures . Please tell something about my captures on my blog.

  14. Beautiful sunsets. We too love a campfire. Always camped, but I admit that I rather enjoyed later on when we camped from a travel trailer vs tent and cots. We still do home campfires when the kids visit. Love the glow of your photo with people gathered round. Thanks for sharing with Pictorial Tuesday, and thanks for hosting your linkup.

  15. Hi Jill! Looks like you have had some great adventures. Loving the sunset photos. Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Such pretty sunrises and sunsets. I live on a lake and we can camp on the lake islands for free - no facilities though - so we usually try to do that every few years. We bring cushions or an air mattress though - might be getting a bit old for the ground lol

    1. Life Images by Jill14 September 2018 at 08:53

      I'm with you on the air mattress, though I hate it when it gets a hole and goes down in the night.

  17. Your blog is a charming one.I enjoyed reading your camping experience and loved your life images!

  18. There really is something magical about a campfire! Beautiful photography!!

  19. I am such a chicken ;) We went camping one day and we stayed for just the one night if I remember correctly. We had a tent, we had a cooler, we had a nice grill and we had our first dog with us and I never slept a wink all night. I was just sure something was going to come in and grab us. I guess I would camp now if we had a nice camper, large enough for all 3 dogs, the cat and us. Hmm, maybe he would like that too, I might just mention it to the husby. Very lovely image shares my friend. Hugs~

    1. Life Images by Jill14 September 2018 at 08:52

      I've never been scared out camping. Though I must say one time we had a "creature" walk past our tent one night years ago which was disturbing.

  20. Hello Jill,
    A stock camp is new to me, but I love the description of J. Wells about Kim Stockman! Beautiful captures of these flowers, Jill! There is no experience like living close to nature! You may know I live now "in the middle of nowhere" in the forest, so I "camp" every day! And for me it's expressing it in plein air paintings. Can't wait to see more of your wild flowers:)Much thanks for sharing this post with All Seasons!


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