
Monday 10 August 2015

What's baking at your house?

I don't know about you, but winter seems to me to be a time for baking, and making hearty soups and casseroles. I love the smell of biscuits baking. Home-made biscuits are so much better I think than their store bought cousins - although there are also yummy store biscuits too. (For my American friends, when I say biscuits I mean cookies  :)

When I was a newly-wed almost 40 years ago, and not yet quite 20, I baked biscuits for my husband for the first time a few weeks after we were married. You can see a pic of me below here making that first batch of biscuits, a pic of the two of us, and our little flat. We were on the top floor and thought we had it all. Oh to be that young and carefree again!  My husband must have thought my making biscuits was note-worthy to have taken a photo.

While I had young children at home baking cakes and biscuits continued with recipes from my Mum, Aunts, Sister and those favourite cookbooks for Australian cooks - The Golden Wattle Cookbook, and the Country Women's Association Cookbook. No household would have been complete without these cookbooks.

But as life got busier and I went back to paid employment again after my children started school baking slipped by the wayside. Since my "retirement" in April, I have started making biscuits again. Much to my husbands delight! 

Today I made that first recipe - Peanut Biscuits - so easy. Below I have shared it with you scanned from my recipe file. Still as delicious today as they were 40 years ago. I have no idea where the recipe originated as I haven't written that on the page, but I have noted they are good and that "Rod likes".  It says a teaspoon of salt, but I don't think it is necessary. SR flour is Self Raising flour. If you don't have cocoa you could use drinking chocolate probably.

So what is baking at your house? Do you have a family favourite cookie or biscuit or cake recipe? Perhaps you would like to tell us about it in the comments.
Here are the Choc-Chip biscuits and Anzac biscuits I made last week.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return. Have a wonderful week.

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 You might also like:
Melting moments and hydrangeas in my garden 

Making Anzac biscuits 

 A little bit of Christmas baking


  1. Choc chip biscuits tend to be an ongoing favourite in our home, now usually made by one of my daughters. Choc brownies often feature too along with a wonderful variety of other goodies.

  2. Your yummy post is making me hungry. A good biscuit is always welcome! :) Happy Monday!

  3. By whatever name there is nothing that smells better than a baking biscuit/cookie! What a delightful post. In my case, after leaving the work world, I started canning, home canning - big pot, glass jars, lids, fruit - you name it. My husband always looks at me like the body snatchers have arrived when I go into 'canning mode' -- this domesticity isn't part of my normal DNA.

    1. I have done bottling when our apricot tree has produced well, but in the last few years. But making jams and chutneys etc is a tradition in my family. It just needs time and organization to get it done. I need to make more marmalade, I think we are nearly out of it.

  4. Hello Jill, I am embarrassed to say I have never made homemade biscuits. But, we do love the chocolate chip cookies or muffins. YUM! Thank you for sharing your recipe! I love the photos of you and you hubby and your old place. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  5. I agree winter is the time for baking...and fall for preserving which is what we will be doing soon enough! it all looks yummy....

  6. Dang it all.... you show these luscious photos when I'm trying to watch what I'm eating!! Shame on you!!!
    Thanks for linking up at

  7. My baking falls by the wayside during summer but like you, once autumn and then winter hit, I'm creating all kinds of yummy things. Your biscuits look delicious Jill.
    Thanks for joining Mosaic Monday.

  8. Mmmm ... those biscuits look delicious and remind me of the ones I ate in my childhood!

  9. I love home baked biscuits and cakes. However I have been sugar-free for the past 3 months so not a sweet treat has passed my lips! I make these home-made cacao balls to satisfy my sweet tooth and that's about it. But your biscuits did make me salivate!

    1. actually probably being home and "retired" hasn't helped my waistline, and I am trying to get back into a routine of walking every morning - good for the heart and soul.

  10. They do look delicious! We are baking a lot around here. During summer mostly fruit tarts and glafoutis. My daughter started to bake cookies now ...with loads of peanuts.

  11. Oh, young love! Isn't that the first things we learned to do, bake sweets for our sweet?! lol
    These look scrumptious, I just need a cup of tea. Thanks for sharing the recipe and the story,
    I enjoyed both.

  12. I wish my kids liked peanut butter cookies, but if I made them sadly I would have to eat them all.

  13. I wish my kids liked peanut butter cookies, but if I made them sadly I would have to eat them all.

  14. Love the images of you all when you were young, just wonderful! Biscuits/cookies all look scrumptious. I have saved hundreds of recipes and went on a search on time for what i thought would be the perfect frosted sugar cookie as well as the same for peanut butter cookies and I tired them out on everyone and came up with the top ones and to this day have continues to think them quite tasty. My favorite ones though are the Million Dollar Cookies, made with oats, raisins, walnuts and chocolate chips. Hugs to you and have a cookie for me please~

    1. I would love your recipe for Million Dollar Cookies Mary. Perhaps I'll look it up on the web.

  15. Yum, those biccies look good. I do love baking and enjoy making things that people enjoy eating as well as trying new things. I don't really bake much at the moment because I don't really eat it, or I try not to and the same with Mr Sparky. I do however sometimes make cakes for his work.

  16. Pumpkin scones are on the go at my place! I use a recipe of my mother's that hasn't failed me yet - and they're all the better when made with our own pumpkins, and served with our own homemade jam (melon, lemon and ginger is a favourite).


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