
Monday 18 August 2014

Blooming Art 2014 - Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, Western Australia

I was thrilled recently to be invited to be a Blooming Art Special Guest exhibitor at the floral art exhibition run annually by the Flower Designers Club of Bunbury in the beautiful Chapel Gallery at the Bunbury Regional Art Gallery.   I was invited by Blooming Art Coordinator, Eileen Wenn, who is a friend of mine from Spanish dance class, and who is also a world class floral art designer.

Special invited guest exhibitors select a painting from the City of Bunbury Art Collection, and then represent it through a floral display.  I have no floral art background or formal arts training, so felt very priviledged to be invited, as well as a little apprehensive and excited. 

The painting I chose which you can see below, is a painting by Alisa Small, called Up The Gorge to Tallering Peak.  I was attracted to this painting because we had just past through this area on our way south from the Pilbara.  I love the rich colours, textures and ruggedness of this ancient landscape and how the colours change with the light. Alisa has captured with her painting what I try to capture with my camera. 

 To keep reading and see more pics, please click on "read more" .....

You can see Alisa's painting and my interpretation below.

Eileen assisted me initially to choose some flowers, suggesting that the beautiful Scarlet Banksia, Banksia coccinea, which grows in woodland and heathlands through Cranbrook, Denmark, Albany and Esperance would be perfect, due to its red colouring, even though it is not a Pilbara flower. 

 I have seen the Scarlet Banksia in the wild, down around Hopetoun and the Fitzgerald River National Park on Western Australia's south coast. It really is a stunning plant and flower, growing 1 to 8 metres tall.  Here is a photo I took of it during our trip a couple of years ago. My daughter-in-law had a wildflower wedding bouquet including the Scarlet Banksia. 

 I also purchased some Protea. Although a South African native plant, they are grown quite commonly through our area, and are related to Australian banksias, grevilleas and waratahs. 
My friend Eileen, has just told me - What you used in your design is leucadendrons from the protea family. Leucs are the protea that have the nut in middle.
Thanks Eileen

Eileen loaned me a beautiful wooden dish about 60cm across to use as the basis of my piece. I already had a collection of nuts, seeds and rocks, and collected some other leaves, to use in my display, and had a little bit of a play around with the layout the weekend before.

Set up time was Wednesday evening, before the opening on Thursday afternoon. 
My thanks to Denise Gillies from Lyndendale Gallery for this pic of me with my completed piece at the opening. I was really pleased with my arrangement and I received some great feedback on my work, not only my friends, but also from professional floral artists. 

The flower you can see upper RH corner below here is the protea - or more correctly leucadendrons.  They last cut for a long time, open up as they mature and are beautiful in the dried state as well.
The stamens of the Scarlet Banksia uncurl as the flower matures. You can see it in closeup below.

I included a box brownie in my display as a connection to my photography.  And I even had some red dirt which was scraped out of the car after our recent return from the Pilbara.

The floral artworks were so creative - below you can see a few. I should have taken more photos. The display lower middle, created from white carnations was created by my friend, artist and also fellow Spanish dancer, Amanda Doust.

I really liked the central display called Violet's Washing Day created by the Flower Designers Club. The little sets of clothes were made from chicken-wire stuffed with dry sea-weed. I loved this little dress.

My Dad is very ill in hospital, and Blooming Art was the bright spot of my week. Afterwards, when the event closed on Sunday afternoon, I boxed up part of my display and took it to my Dad.  

ps - don't throw away those floral gift boxes and paper when you are given flowers - you never know when you might be able to reuse them!

I send my sincere thanks to Eileen Wenn for her support, encouragement and hugs, and the Flower Designers Club of Bunbury for this opportunity. If you go to their Facebook Link here you can see more pics of the wonderful displays from the exhibition  - Flower Designers Club of Bunbury
And some more pics on the ABC website -
Thanks for stopping by. I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. Have a wonderful week.

I am linking up to Mosaic Monday, Travel Photos Monday, Our World Tuesday, Wednesday Around the World at Communal Global, Travel Photo Thursday, and What's It Wednesday.  Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!

Mosaic Monday
Travel Photo Mondays
Our World Tuesday
Wednesday Around the World at Communal Global
What's It Wednesday
Travel Photo Thursday


  1. A beautiful floral design. You pulled colours, textures and a layering effect together to mirror the imagine in the painting and the old camera was a nice touch.
    Thanks for linking to MM.

  2. Jill, I love your beautiful floral design..a cool idea it all ties back to your trip in a way.. You are so creative and talented.. I am sorry about your Dad, I will keep in my prayers.. Have a happy new week!

  3. Hi Jill Lively story n photos. You mention protia. While protea family what you used in your design is leucadendrons from the protea family. Leucs are the protea that have the nut in middle. Love your blog

  4. Just to say I managed to see your floral art display on Friday morning before heading to Perth and I thought it was brilliant.
    You created a floral/plant snapshot of a 'piece' of Australia that you love and I just stood there in awe of what you'd done. I had little time to look at many others but for me yours was outstanding for its 'authenticity'. It was REAL!
    I'd better not say anything else as I'm then at risk of being unfairly critical of the beautiful works of other artists.

  5. it is a great piece of art Jill. Well done

  6. Jill you are one super talented person! Loved this post. . .the colors, everything. . .it just calls out on every sensory button!

  7. There is an event in Victoria that is similar and I always think afterwards 'I should have gone'. After seeing this I really want to do so.
    I hope your father is soon feeling better.

  8. How wonderful!

  9. Jill I think I've said it before and I'll say it again. Wow! You are so talented. Your artistic skills go far beyond writing and photography that's for sure. I loved your floral art display; the colours, the textures and the contrasts which all molded so beautifully together in the design you chose. The pics of the other arrangements also looked wonderful ... but have to say I liked yours the best.

  10. really lovely what you created Jill; those scarlet banksias are super!

  11. Pretty....a bit similar to the bottle brush bush we have in our desert areas.

  12. My goodness where to start....the painting you chose is beautiful and your floral artwork is stunning in its interpretation of that painting...then the other floral artwork is just amazing. I do not have an eye for this but so admire the artists like yourself who create these masterpieces.

  13. First off, I must let you know that I continue to think of your dad and you and I do hope that his health can improve!
    Wow what an honor to have been invited and how spectacular, your floral display turned out. What a very nifty idea too as for choosing a piece of art and then doing a floral interpretation of it...very wonderful things you shared. Always a real pleasure~
    Take care~

  14. Wow, those look so interesting!

  15. How beautiful Jill. It was a stunning exhibition, and you've done a super job of capturing it. I also loved Amanda Doust's piece with the white carnations. Bravo to all!

  16. thank you all for your lovely comments. I am so sorry I haven't gotten back to any of you this week. My week has been tangled up with my Dad in hospital, and I feel like my life is being controlled by someone other than myself. I do however really appreciate each and every comment. Thank you.

  17. I am so sorry I missed this ... I had it in my diary but was in Perth and sadly couldn't make it.
    What a fantastique display and I love the way you incorporated the old camera and your interpretation of the picture and painting was so real.
    The colours, texture and balance worked so well, telling a story which is what it's all about. I think art should be your day job!


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