
Sunday 2 March 2014


Hi everyone, and welcome back. I have been so busy of late I missed posting last week....something just had to give! Do you get like that sometimes? Anyways, here I am back again - and rest assured I have still been out there taking photos and writing.

Do you like my new header? I decided to have a change from the roses that I have had there "forever" and go for something bright, and cheerful and summery. I have been photographing these sunflowers in all their stages over a couple of weeks - aren't they beautiful?  I will be blogging about them later.

Unbelievability we are into March and I am already 60 days into my 365 Project which I started on 1 January. You can see the beginnings of my project by clicking here - Summer and 2014 begins

Please click on "read more" to keep reading and see more pics! see you there!

 So what is a 365 Project I hear you ask?  It is a project where you commit to take at least one photo a day every day for 365 days - a whole year.  I have seen lots of people do this project on the Digital Photography School website, but it is not a project to be taken on lightly. One photo a day doesn't seem much - but it can be harder than you think. I carry my small camera with me everywhere anyway, so I thought it was time to give a 365 project a go. My at home days are relatively easy - but I must say some days come and go with me only snapping something quickly on my way home from work. You don't always feel inspired to take photos.  

A 365 project should help you to take better photos, to open your eyes and see, to be inspired, to try new techniques, and to push yourself to seek out different things to photograph.

You can click on the link here to read a great article on the Digital Photography School website -  Jumpstart your photography with a 365 project

As you can see below. I have already taken quite a variety of images - they form a sort of a visual diary - which will be interesting to look back at the end of the year.

 January is summer in Australia, so we have boats and beaches and grapes growing on vines. Flowers and lunches, new summer outfits and a jetty to walk on.  A return to work and even a tree to climb, but not by me!

A delicious fruity summer breakfast, creative street art, Australia Day fireworks, beach finds, the drying Australian summer bush, chocolate roses ready for Valentine's Day and a bunch of sunflowers - the colours of summer. 

 I even took a "selfie" and ended up on Jo Castro's "Lifestyle Fifty" blog - "What Shall I Wear Today" - click here to check it out - Lifestyle FIfty

In February we have dancing, sorbet, and muffins - delicious!  Tomatoes fresh from our yard to be made into chutney.  Days at work that needed to be relieved by lunch with girlfriends and a iced coffee with the lot. A red car zooming by and learning to take photos on the beach after dark.

There are images of post boxes, and shredding, and night time at the port. More lunches, roses and sunflowers and playing with macro manual focus. Plums fresh from an orchard to make a plum galette (pie) - so yummy! - would you like a slice? I am going to be blogging about it soon - so watch out for that. It really is delicious!

Already it is March - I wonder what March will bring.... here is a start - day 60 .... 

On Saturday I was involved with the Sol-y-Sombra Spanish Dance Company at the Bunbury Multicultural Festival. I wasn't dancing this year, just sitting with others forming a "picture" behind the dancers. The Multicultural Festival brings together cultures from all around the world who now live in our city, bringing to us their cultural performances in an evening under the stars. What a wonderful night we had. It was tricky getting photos on stage! Here is Nicole our teacher dancing a gypsy dance to music played by flamenco guitarist Doug.   Sol-y-Sombra on facebook

 If you would like to see my 365 project images in a larger size and read some of the stories behind the photos, I invite you to pop over to my Flickr page to see the whole set so far - Jill's 365 Project

Do you take your camera with you every day? Do you take photos every day? Have you ever tried a 365 project? How did you go? 

Thanks for stopping by. I value your comments and look forward to hearing from you. Have a wonderful week.

I am linking up to Mosaic Monday, Travel Photos Monday, Our World Tuesday, Wednesday Around the World, Travel Photo Thursday, What's It Wednesday, and Oh the Places I've Been. Please click on the links to see fabulous contributions from around the world - virtual touring at its best!

Mosaic Monday
Travel Photo Mondays
Our World Tuesday
Wednesday Around the World  
What's It Wednesday
Travel Photo Thursday
 Oh The Places I've Been

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Summer fruit sorbet
Night time photography
On the road again - Denmark weekend


  1. That is awesome that you are keeping up with the project, Jill. I do take a lot of pictures but they come in spurts. I sure do learn a lot from you with photography. This morning, looking at your pics, my next endeavor would be more props and "staging" if that makes sense. Yes I would like a slice of the plum galette! Thank you for the great post to read! :)

  2. Oh good heavens! I am so impressed with your efforts and your continued commitment to the project. I do hear you on how busy life can get and the ol' blogosphere has to be set aside once in awhile - glad you are back though, I've missed you!

  3. Hi Jill, I am a new follower. I have been given a new camera for my Birthday and am feeling a little nervous as am not sure where to start. I look forward to following your blog and picking up some lovely ideas. Your photos are wonderful.

    1. thanks for stopping by. Just start from the beginning and have fun playing around with your new camera. Work through you manual and play around with all the settings. Digital Photography School is a great place for tutorials etc.
      I hope that following my blog will help too, as I filter in posts with basic photography tips - it doesn't have to be complicated. Have fun and thanks for stopping by. It was great to meet you!

  4. I love this idea and admire your commitment to it - as you say it's not easy, and to be inspired is not always a possibility. But your photos tell a different story and the onlooker would believe you are inspired all the time. They will form a wonderful part of social history in days to come. Thanks for your energy and thanks for sharing. P.s I love the dance photo :)

  5. On another note, you were a wonderful #everyday style model for Lifestyle Fifty. Thank you for joining in and thank you for the shout out too :)

  6. Jill, you are a wonderful photographer. I can see you will do fantastic with your 365 project... I love all these images,especially the sunflowers at the very top. Happy a happy day and week ahead.

  7. Lovely post and fotos , greeting from Belgium

  8. Wow, what a variety of subjects. Looks like a fun project and I love some of the photos.

  9. Your photographs are amazing, and so inspiring! I will definitely be following along with you on this journey!

  10. What lovely collages! And I love that very first shot of the flowers.

  11. Ohh so excited for you to be on doing the 365 challenge! I did it a few years ago and loved it, in fact I carried on for a year and half. One of the best things I've done. Fun, inspiring and challenging. Looks like your having fun!

    1. a year and a half! that is staying power! I hope to at least make the end of the year. It feels so daunting sometimes, so it is good to hear from someone who has done it.

  12. Lots of nice pictures! I really like your header too!

  13. Hi Jill,

    WOW! Kudos to you for taking on this amazing challenge! It is evident that you are doing it with a passion for the senses, the mind and the soul, from your spectacular photos. Such vibrancy and life in your images! Thanks for sharing and look forward to tagging along on this exciting journey!


  14. splendid images! I did this one year and really enjoyed it.

  15. The Multicultural Festival sounds really interesting! I would have loved to take part in something like that. :) Great shots.

  16. I can relate! Something has to give a lot lately. However, your 365 is looking wonderful! Looks like great memories.

  17. I like that you're doing this project, and I bet that it will be a great way to chronicle your year. I'm looking forward to reading/seeing more of that plum galette. I've lately been trying to do an Instagram photo a day for similar reasons. I think one of the best parts of the project is forcing me to seek out something interesting every day.

  18. I absolutely adore the picture of the black swirling skirt. Really captures a moment


  19. My morning has just begun so happy, visiting you is always such a sweet pleasure! I adore Sunflowers and so to your new banner image, wonderful! Your taking a photograph every day for a year, gee, I would be hard pressed for that. I take photographs every day in the hundreds, sigh and then I edit them in my sleep ;) Sounds like a great project though. Your shared mosaics, are all really amazing. It looks like you enjoy life and that it is good back for you. I love the selfie portrait of you, such a lovely lady and a sweet, kind friend~

    1. thank you so much Mary - I love visiting your blog too all those thousands of miles away across the oceans. Amazing how connections can be made through blogging!

  20. Lovely images!! Thanks for sharing with us! <3

  21. Wow, lots going on. Your photos are amazing as usual Jill. Thanks for linking with CG.

  22. Your photos are wonderful. This is such a great and novel idea. It would certainly improve your photography skills (which is something I need to work on). I am currently travelling around Australia and having been taking a lot of photos so this would have been a perfect project for me. I will follow you with interest.

  23. Congrats on getting to March, Jill! I didn't post anything last week to TPThursday, it was a crazy week so I understand what you mean. Life does get in the way and things just slip.
    I posted every day in 2011. It was difficult at first but then I got into a rhythm and after a while it became a personal challenge. I wanted to get to Dec 31 and not miss a day.
    I also carry a pocket digital camera with me. I don't always take a photo but it's good to know it's there for when the moment comes.
    Good luck for the next 300 days!

  24. Hi Jill, funny you brought up about being busy and that something just had to give. I just got afflicted with that. In fact, I just posted for the first time in 3 weeks. I love your new header. Thanks for sending a feel of sunshine my way; it' still brutally cold in NY. Brrr... And congratulations for diligently tackling the photo a day challenge. And your photos are just beautiful Much as I love to photograph, I'm not sure I have the preseverance you've got. an oh, I so love your selfie! You look lovely. I have to check out Jo's article.

  25. No I have never tried a 365 project - I think I must fear commitment :) Those sunflowers are really beautiful.

  26. Love your new header. I have thought about doing a 365 project, but it's still a thought! I always have my phone with me, and having just moved all the photos off, I now have room for the 365 project. Maybe i'll start one in May, on my birthday. As always, you photos are gorgeous!


I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my blog. Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. I read and very much appreciate every comment and love hearing from you. I will try to visit your blogs in return.