
Sunday 1 July 2012

Delighting in a bowl of cherries

Welcome July!  We are now past the shortest day of the year which means we are well into winter and spring is on it's way! Though I must not hurry it on as we desperately need the rain, the dams are so low down after several dry winters.

Of late whenever I go to our local fruit and vegetable market I look for interesting delicious fruit and vegetables to buy and bring home to photograph. I don't mind the simple approach to just photographing the fresh fruit in natural light.

It is mid winter here and certainly not the time for cherries - but our local market has been selling cherries imported from America - so of course I had to buy a bag of cherries so that I could photograph them and eat them after! Seen here photographed in natural light on my patio.  The china bowl has come from my mother-in-laws china cabinet.

There was also these Pomegrantes. This is my first try at photographing and eating pomegranates. Seen here photograhed in natural light on my patio and also in the bottom right hand corner under tungsten light on my kitchen bench. Drizzled over icecream and eaten by me afterwards - delicious! I must buy some more!

The cherries were so delicious l I just had to go and buy some more so I could play around taking more images. And of course eat them also! They feel like such a luxury! Photographed here in natural morning light on my kitchen windowsill - I really like the reflection in this one.

For this image I put the cherries on a mirror with a white backdrop-

And I also found these wonderful squat red pears at the market....

It is also the time when we have oranges and lemons ready to be picked in our garden. I always think that fresh tree oranges are so much more sweet and delicious than shop bought ones.....

And what about quinces - such a delicious smell and flavour - I can't describe it. They are a rock hard fruit that you can't eat raw, but when you cook them they turn a delicate pink - the aroma is wonderful. You can also make quince paste to have with biscuits and cheese!

and to finish apple tart..........

I hope you have enjoyed my fruit collages - what is your favourite fruit?

Have a wonderful week.

I am linking up to Mosaic Monday at Little Red House. To see the work of Mary and other wonderful contributors - click here - Mosaic Monday
I look forward to hearing from you and your comments are always welcome. I love making new connections and seeing parts of your worlds too!


  1. Wonderful food photography Jill, you have succeeded in making me hungry!

  2. Jill, your shots of the fruit is just beautiful. I love cherries and we have been buying some lately too. They are delicious. Your apple tart looks yummy too, is it easy to make. Wonderful post, have a great week ahead.

  3. Exquisite photos of the fruit and berries. The cherrries have just started to come into the shops-. We have to wait another month for the berries to ripen here. Lovely mosaics too.

  4. These photos are so lovely but I am laughing because I'd just grabbed a small bowl of cherries to snack on and then I saw your picture! Visiting from Mosaic Monday and eating my cherries though yours are much prettier :)

  5. Hi Jill, your fruit photos are making my mouth water. You've done an awesome job on these photos, well done. You make me want to go out and buy these wonderful mouthwatering fruit. Have a great day and keep up the good work.

  6. wonderful collages, the cherry pics are heavenly!!

  7. Hi Jill!
    So nice to meet you! Your photography is stunning. I'll be back to visit again to see your beautiful work.

  8. Fruit is just so photogenic!....and then so delicious after one has finished with the camera. Cherries, in particular, make a beautiful subjects but pomegranates, perhaps not quite so lovely. I'd be hard pressed to choose a favourite fruit. The humble apple is one I'll always choose in a fruit bowl though.

  9. Oh my gosh Jill those are just beautiful photos -- it would be so cool to put them on a tile backsplash in your kitchen -- or just hang them on the kitchen wall -- I love every one of them. We eat a lot of fruit, I think pomegranate is the only one I don't love. They're just too much work. Sometimes I but Australian oranges when it's off season for them to know you're buying cherries from here.

  10. I must say, these are all delectable looking images, and Quince...never had those, but they also look yummy. I love the images of the sweet cherries, and I am thinking that I need to go get some fresh fruit, and make a tart~

  11. Beautiful Beautiful photography! I love the cherry photos in particular but they are all frameable! Have a great day! Pamela

  12. Ohmigosh! They are just beautiful Jill. I felt as if I could just pluck them off the screen. Love the way you collage and present them too. You are going to be very famous one day - a gallery of your own, at least :)

  13. Great great pictures / collages showing.
    Thanks for viewing.
    I've put your blog address into the blog I read, and will look in to you again :)
    Hanne Bente


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