
Saturday 28 January 2012

give, love, inspire............

Give - love - inspire

With loving thanks to my dear friends for their love, and support. 
Where would we be without our friends.  They support us, give to us freely of their love and time, and inspire and encourage us to greater things. 

I have just started learning about textures - One of Kim's textures which I have used on this image is called "empty page" - fitting I think because doesn't every day of our life start as an "empty page"?

I have been doing a couple of texture classes with Kim Klassen - click on the link to check them out - there are several e-classes if you want to learn about textures -

I have booked into Kim's 52 week - Beyond Layers - but pressing aging parent matters have sapped my energy and inspiration....hence.....  give - love - inspire.

I have just learnt this neat little trick where you can pick the colour of your text from somewhere on your image - ie as in this case purple from the lavender. 

 Lavender is one of my favourite garden flowers.  Below, I thought I would show you the textured version - on the left - and the unedited original -straight out of camera - on the right.
I wonder which one you prefer?


  1. Your photography is stunning Jill. In this post I much prefer the edited version of the Lavender - how do you do that? It's beautiful.

    I would also love to know how you put a watermark on your photos - I've been moving mine across to Paint and then using text, which looks a bit blobby :(

    Maybe you should try a guest post on Darren Rowse's photography site (not sure of the URL, but a web search should find it). If accepted you'd prob get a lot of links back to Life Images by Jill. He also runs ProBlogger (you have prob seen this site?) and is a blogging guru in Aus.

    I send you love and good vibrations at this difficult and very emotional time with your parents.

    Keep up the wonderful work.

  2. Beautiful photos!
    I prefer the edited version.
    Lavender is one of my favorite garden flowers too.
    Have a great day :O)


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