
Monday 13 June 2011

A walk around Bunbury's history, Western Australia

I took a walk around Bunbury the other day taking photos of architectural detail for an assignment on Flickr.
It really highlighted to me the many different eras of architecture we have in Bunbury.

The history of Bunbury and Australind began in 1803 when the first registered sighting was recorded by French Captain Louis Freycinet. The Leschenault Estuary was named after the expedition’s botanist, Leschenault de la Tour, and Geographe Bay after one of the fleet’s ships.

British interest dates from 1829 when a survey party from the Swan River Colony sailed down the coast and explored the area around Koombana and Vittoria Bays.  A military post was established at Port Leschenault in 1830. It was renamed Bunbury by Governor Stirling in 1836 in honour of Lieutenant HW Bunbury, who explored the area on his expedition from Pinjarra to Vasse. In 1838 Stirling leased part of his land in Bunbury to John Scott whose family became the first settlers. The Bunbury townsite was gazetted in 1841.

There are two Bunbury Heritage Trails which feature 58 sites of historical and natural interest. In the collage you will see some of the different styles of architecture -

Bunbury’s original post office, constructed with convict labour in the early 1850s.from limestone with a shingled roof (see detail of the roof second from the right bottom)

The Regional Art Galleries in Wittenoom Street is housed in the former Sisters of Mercy Convent and Chapel built in 1897 in Federal Free Medieval style, a blend of Gothic and Southern European architectural characteristics.(middle left)

An attractive part of the city’s streetscape is the Rose Hotel in Victoria Street built in 1865 and although extended several times, the two storey wrought iron verandah reflects Bunbury’s prosperity during the goldrush era. (middle right)

The building on the opposite corner was constructed in 1937.  Its symmetrical facade is typical of American art deco styling. (middle top)

The Grand Central Hotel built in 1900 is now part of the busy cappuccino strip and houses speciality shops.(center pic). And some decorative scroll work from the 1890's (bottom left hand corner)

The old railway station which features a bent-rail supported platform roof, now houses the Visitor Information Cenre (bottom right)   The building was constructed in the early 1900s following a fire that destroyed its predecessor.

The checkerboard lighthouse built in 1971 (top left corner)

The Bunbury Tower (bottom left), often called the "Milk Carton" for its distinctive shape and blue-and-white colours, is the major feature of the city centre's skyline. It was built in 1983 by businessman Alan Bond (who won the America's Cup from the American's in 1983.

Thankyou for looking. I look forward to hearing from you.

This is my contribution to Mosaic Monday at Little Red House - to see the wonderful work of Mary and other contributors across the world, please click on the link - Dear Little Red House


  1. You've captured a marvelous variety of architectural styles and ornaments in these photos. What fun to notice all the differences on your walk.

  2. Wow, what fabulous architectural details, and a fascinating history. I have to mention that the name Bunbury always brings to mind the fictitious character of the same name in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest... :)

  3. Nice photo's! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Lots of pretty things to see looking up. Great photos and mosaic. Have a great week!

  5. Mosaic with wonderful colors and textures! Well done! Cathy

  6. Just lovely. Love what you've done!

  7. There is a lot of lovely detail in those buildings. Nobody uses those intricate carvings anymore. V

  8. Great entry for Mosaic Monday, unfortunately I have just not had time to participate recently but hope to again soon.


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