
Monday 11 April 2011

Souffle for breakfast and pizza for lunch?

My photography lately has met a crossroad and I have decided to learn and experiment this year as much as I can with food photography and food styling. So last Monday, on my day off work (my paying day job that is) I spent the day cooking a couple of simple meals and photographing them in the natural light in my garden.

In this mosaic you can see some of the results - cheese and chive souffle for breakfast and pizza for lunch! You can also see olive bread in this shot, which was bought from a local bakery.

Join me in the post below for more foodie pics from last Monday's exploration, or you can also follow me on my food journey by clicking on the tab above - Food glorious food - and to my Picasa web album by clicking here - Picasa web album   I look forward to hearing from you.  

In the meantime, this post is part of Mosaic Monday. To see the work of Mary and other wonderful contributors, please click on the link - Mosaic Monday at Little Red House


  1. Very beautiful Moasic . Your food looks so good. Im heading back to my kitchen.
    Have a great night /day

  2. Should have called us over. We could have taste tested your food for you too. LOL. Looks so yummy. V

  3. Your photography is beautiful! I enjoyed visiting your blog! Thanks for your comment on mine.

  4. I'm getting hungry! That looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing!
    Best wishes,

  5. Oh yum!! Everything looks fabulous! What a fun day you must've had ... and a tasty day! Thanks for sharing. Lovely mosaic!

  6. I'm happy to pass on an award with a recommendation to my readers to check out your site. You can see it here if you like.

  7. thankyou everyone for stopping by. Thank you Cindy also for the award!

  8. Fabulous ... it all looks absolutely delicious! Now I'm hungry.

  9. Beautiful Photos...yummy food.. who could ask for more!
    have a wonderful weekend!

  10. everything looks delicious .. i'd say you are good at this *food* thing!!!! happy Monday!

  11. As far as I can see, you've 'got it'.
    The food is gorgeous, the photos are clear and the colours ...........beautiful.

  12. Your food styling & photos are magazine worthy!


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