
Monday 18 April 2011

Memories in a plate

These beautiful plates were given to me by my Mother-In-Law recently when I was helping her clean out her house in preparation to move to a retirement village. They are exactly the same as a set my Mother has. They were both married in 1951 so I guess it must have been a favoured pattern for newly weds during that time.

My Mother's dinner set was always kept for special dinners - and I always adored them and the beautiful pattern of autumn leaves. My Mother-In-Law must have used her set often, as only these few plates remain. I was thrilled when she gave them to me. I will cherish them always.

So I have put together a little mosaic using the plates. One of the photos you see contains a simple Apple Tart.

We had a busy weekend, home jobs, pruning and triming the garden in preparation for a curb-side pick up of green waste, and yesterday afternoon getting our camper trailer organised for a trip away soon. No time for photography. Late yesterday afternoon I was standing at the kitchen sink peeling quinces, which I bought at the market on Saturday, when I looked out the window and saw the beautiful late afternoon light, so I put the quinces in a basket, grabbed my camera and tripod and ran outside to take some photos before the light disappeared. My husband was left to organise the vegetables for the roast - lucky he understands my photography bent.

Quinces are an old fashioned fruit that you might see in an old orchard. They fruit around this time of year where I live. The fruit is rock hard - you can't eat it raw, but cooked it has the most amazing aroma and flavour, and the yellow flesh turns a delicate pink. Quince paste, as you see in the picture, which I made, goes wonderfully with cheese and biscuits and a glass of wine - I was in too much of a hurry to include them in the photo! oops!

Quinces are delicious - you must buy some and try them if you see them in your market.

Do you remember the peom by Edward Lear - "The Owl and the Pussy-Cat' -
   "They dined on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon,
   And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,  They danced by the light of the moon"....

My post is part of Mosaic Monday. To see the work of Mary and other wonderful contributors, please go to the link - Mosaic Monday at Little Red House

Have a wonderful week. I hope you have enjoyed my photos, I look forward to hearing from you. 


  1. I have eaten quince jam, but had no idea what they looked like or anything about them. Now I know more. How wonderful that your husband can carry on when you take off with your camera. Your mother's dishes are beautiful; I don't recall ever having seen that pattern.

  2. I love your plates, they are just lovely. And the second mosaic looks so colorful and the quince paste on a biscuit looks delicious!

  3. Beautiful plates, they come with wonderful memories of your mother-in-law. Yes, I have been called away by the light in the garden. Great mosaics. Have a fabulous week.

  4. Lovely mosaics, and pretty dishes. It is nice to know that I am not the only woman who gets a little sentimental over dishes.

  5. the plates are lovely (as is the apple tart)! memories for you.

  6. Isn't that special that both Mothers liked the same pattern of dishes. Beautiful too. The quince look delicious. V

  7. The display of your Dinner ware is beautiful. I have Autumn Rose. I have seen these before.
    Both Moasics are stunning.
    Your Blue Wildflower on the Side is stunning.
    Havea a great night.

  8. Beautiful dishes, I know you will enjoy and cherish them!!! I am unfamiliar with a quince but they are so pretty!!!
    Have a beautiful week!!

  9. Gorgeous late afternoon light - just perfect for the photos of those quinces. I will have to try them sometime. What a wonderful gift those dishes are.

  10. What a sweet mosaic!

    I am visiting from Mosaic Monday.

  11. Love your post - I have never tasted quince... I love your plates, and when they are handed down by loved ones they are even more special!

  12. Love dinnerware mosaics and food! This is killing me, all this good food to just look at?
    They are beautiful photos really...


  13. A great dishes and so beautiful quince! And so much work to cook it ... Great photo's! Thanks for the parts.
    Best wishes,

  14. This looks lovely! Hope to see you at My Dream Canvas. I worked for Tourism Australia many years ago and visited Peth for TABS 1999!

  15. Our neighbour has some very old quince trees - I've made apple and quince jelly in the past. Your quince paste looks marvelous, I can so imagine it with a crisp cracker and a slice of camembert.


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