
Wednesday 26 January 2011

Moasaic Monday - It's Australia Day - let's celebrate

 My post for Mosaic Monday 31 January at Little Red House takes us back a couple of days to Australia Day.......

Australia Day is 26th January - and the day we celebrate our wonderful country, our wide open spaces, the freedom we have, our ancestors that made this country what it is, the importance of Australian mate-ship, our easy-going "she'll be right mate" attitude, and what makes us an Aussie. I love Australia and I would like to share with you a collage of some of my Australian pics.

The photos you see in the collage are all from Western Australia (where I live) except for Uluru which is in central Australia in the Northern Territory  - from left to right -
- a kangaroo and joey (at Dryandra reserve), Cable Beach at Broome, the Australian flag, an outback road along the Great Central Road, an Aussie kid (our friend J), the Australian floral emblem - the wattle,  sunset at Denham - Shark Bay, world heritage listed Purnululu in the Kimberley, a surf club competitor in Bunbury (where I live), a wheat paddock at Bruce Rock in the wheatbelt (my sister's family front paddock), boab trees in the Kimberley, camping at Munjina Gorge in the Pibara, and Australia's heart - magnificent Uluru at sunset.

And in the words of revered Australian poet Banjo Patterson....

 “And the bush hath friends to meet him, and their kindly voices greet him
      In the murmur of the breezes and the river on its bars,
And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended,
      And at night the wond’rous glory of the everlasting stars.”
                                                            “Clancy of the Overflow” by Banjo Patterson

I also send my thoughts and prayers to the victims of the devastating floods in the Eastern States and in Western Australia's mid west, the cyclones in Queensland, and the fires in our South West.

I hope you have enjoyed my contribution to Mosaic Monday at Little Red House - to see the work of Mary and other wonderful contributors please go to....


  1. Very Patriotic! I hope you had a great Australia Day!

  2. What stunning places! Fabulous shots! Hope you have a nice Australia Day!

  3. I have an aunt who lives in Australia and have always wanted to visit. Beautiful country, thank for sharing part of it. Take care and have a great week.

  4. Thanks for your comment on my post Jill ,I love your Blog and am looking forward to reading more.
    Your right is is pretty warm 36 at the moment not quite as bad as Australia Day!

  5. Happy Australian Day.
    Such beautiful captures and mosaic.
    Have a great new week Jill.


  6. It's been many years since I've been to Perth, which I'm afraid is about as close as I ever got to where you are. However, I loved your photos, and you give me new impetus to visit Australia again.
    Be well,

  7. Happy Australian Day! Your country and photos are just beautiful. Have a great week!

  8. Your photos make me want to get on a plane and spend 10hrs in the air just to see all of that. The Toronto Star newspaper had an article about "Australia's beautiful Silence" and featured Ayers Rock. It really does look magical.

  9. Now that's the way to celebrate Australia Day! Such a wide variety of shots. Wonderful!

  10. Hello from Norway. What a beautiful blog and pictures from you garden flowers.

  11. What a gorgeous area you must live in!!! These photos are awesome. Have a wonderful week!!!

  12. Well, Happy Australia Day - a week later! It's so refreshing to see patriotic and summery photos in January - all we see is snow right now in the US. Lovely mosaic and thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

  13. Your mosaic is great. It would be wonderful to visit Australia some day. I, too, pray for everyone who lost so much in the floods...

  14. Oh what incredible photos. Such a beautiful place you live in. Thank you for visiting my blog and yes, I have two daughters and they are wonderful. Have a great week! Kit

  15. With these beautiful images of Austrailia it is not surprising you have been wooing Tourists to your shores! Magnificent!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  16. Beautiful photos, Jill. I do think you've caught the essence of Aus right there in your mosaic.


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